"It's time for you to claim deep emotional well-being and whole-body health."
Carla Bate MSCN, CRNC
Certified Mental Health Nutritionist
Pysch Med Taper Support Specialist
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I work with people who want to get to the root cause of depression, anxiety, and insomnia with confidence and control so they can reclaim their power to create a life that lights them up.

Want a Way Off Psych Meds? It Might Be Easier Than You Think.
Here's the thing... the mental health world, as we know it, is changing.
It’s no longer about relying solely on prescriptions that often fall short or create dependency.
And it's definitely not about "toughing it out" or "keeping up appearances."
What it’s really about is embracing holistic approaches, such as nourishing your body with wholesome foods, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits, and utilizing targeted supplements to support your mental well-being.
So how do you do this?
Through ROOT CAUSE RESOLUTION: aka by uncovering the underlying triggers behind your mental health challenges—think chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiencies.
By addressing these root causes, we pave the way for lasting healing and holistic wellbeing, offering an alternative to traditional pharmaceutical approaches.

How to get off antidepressants naturally...
If you know meds aren't for you and you've found yourself wondering, "What happens to your brain after you stop taking antidepressants?" then you're in the right place. A lot of my clients ask me, "Do antidepressants cause permanent brain changes?" or "Does your brain go back to normal after antidepressants?"
I also hear "Carla, how do I detox my brain from antidepressants?" a lot.
The truth is, your brain can go back to being better than you were before, but only if you take the process seriously and get the deep level of support that you need. Coming off antidepressants success stories are those that don't include any harrowing withdrawal symptoms. It's about reclaiming your health, energy, sanity, and clarity - so you can live a symptom-free life without drugs...
If you are ready for a magnificent life without medication...

✔​ Reclaiming your power to create a life and lifestyle that light you up.
​✔ Being restored to deep emotional well-being and whole body health.
✔ Stepping into the deepest well of pride, confidence, and joy in having returned to your truest self.
​✔ Sleeping deeply each night—waking up feeling refreshed and excited to start the day, every day...with the capacity to focus on the things you love most in life - without a chemical crutch.
✔ Enjoying a medication-free life because you have finally found THE safe, effective, well-studied solution that gives your body, brain, and being what they needed all along.
Side Effects May Include:
✔ Mastering the art of nourishing your body and spirit without obsessing over calories.
✔ Transforming your relationship with food from a cycle of craving and guilt into one of lasting fulfillment.
✔ Sliding back into those favorite jeans and checking out your butt in the mirror with a smile, after saying 'see ya' to those stubborn extra pounds.
✔ Learning how to eat in a way that leaves you feeling deeply nourished and consistently energized, smoothing out the daily ups and downs with ease.

Book your free discovery call
with Carla today:
Choose a time and date below.

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